Walk Two Moons
by Sharon Creech

Harper Collins, 1996, 304 pp., $6.99

ISBN-13: 9780064405171

The story Walk Two Moons is about a girl name Sal and she is going on a trip with her grandparents Gram and Gramps, to Idaho to see her mother, as their traveling Sal tells stories about her friend Phoebe and her family.

Except when they get to Idaho Sal finds out something that has to do with her mother, and in the middle of the book something terrible happens to Gram.

The way Sharon Creech wrote this book gave me mixed emotions; to me the theme is to be strong and to be faithful to your friends and family.

I relate to this book not because my mom didn’t die, because I have had grandma that was very close to me dying and so when I read this book it reminded me of my grandma dying slowly then died unexpected.

I recommend this book to the ages of 12-15 years of age

Because people who like traveling, stories or has a grand parent who has past unexpected can relate to this book.

~ reviewed by Alex W.